Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Guest Blogger Joe from Mind on Fire- How did we get the funding for our NOISE Project?

"We found out about the European Commission's, Youth in Action funding from the NOISE Festival newsletter, as I am on the mailing list for loads of the local arts organisations. We expressed our interest and got  assistance from the NOISE Team in building our application and making sure it fitted all the requirements.

Although we have been involved in music and arts projects for a number of years, including some smaller funding applications the process was a little bit daunting at first and there was a lot of work involved so it was great to have some help and guidance from the NOISE Charity.

We came up with the idea because we really wanted to do something in the NOISELAB as we think it’s amazing to have that sort of space for young creatives right in the centre of a city. We had been discussing within Mind on Fire about doing some collaborative workshops for a while, to get more people involved in the collective and aware of what we do so it seemed like the perfect opportunity.

We've also been planning collaborations with onefiveeight for some time after teaming up on a couple of events. Their online magazine had really impressed me personally, and I knew that they were keen on making a physical version which seemed like a logical step and a good opportunity to work together.

Doing this as a joint effort with a CD and magazine outcome, allows us to expose some artists that we maybe wouldn’t have been able to otherwise, by providing artist profiles and
information, and the fact that we don’t have to charge means we can reach a wider audience.

We are all artists and producers ourselves so will no doubt be including some of our own work in the projects, but we are all really excited to see what gets submitted and what gets created at the workshops."

By Guest Editor Joe, from Mind on Fire.

The resulting CD and magazine from the project's August Bank Holiday will be launched at a party at NOISELAB at the end of September....details to be revealed soon.